It's A Hi-Def World, Baby

-sigh- I know I'm slightly lacking on the posting lately, but I just haven't really been in the mood. caught my attention however, when they did a little slideshow on new hi-definition makeup, along with the history of how that makeup got to be where it is today. I thought it was interesting, so if you do too you can check it out here.

Good Show, Good Show

Check out this cute Arkells shirt I picked up from the show on Friday for $10!

I love the little vintage-esque sweater the musician is wearing. Lovelove!

Also, I finally put up the vids I took on YouTube, and you can check 'em out here.

Your English Is Good

So Tokyo Police Club are playing a show with Ruby Coast on August 15th in Newmarket, about 20 minutes away from me. These kids hail from Newmarket, and I'm sad to say that I only recently clued into this fact. Even still, that's flippin' awesome. What's even more awesome, is that because my friend's cousin plays in Ruby Coast, we get to attend the after party! Holla, living the rockstar life, right here. No I kid, I kid but it should be a rocking good time and you know I'll be snapping pics n taking vids, so stay tuned!And if you're in the area, or would like to come down for the show, just message me for deets! Cheers!

Forget About Harry...

...I want this guy!

I actually have no idea how old he is, but I do know his name is Frank Dillane and he played Tom Riddle (aka young Voldemort)
in Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince. Doesn't he just look so cute in the above picture? Not to mention, the kid's got some serious style. I saw the movie on Thursday, and the effects were awesome as usual, but I'm always disappointed with the movies themselves. If you didn't read the book, there would be a lot of parts where you'd be scratching your head and wondering what the H-E-L-L just happened. But this guy's a little cutie, and even though I don't know his age, I'm crushin'!


So the show last night was pretty much just super great. All three bands were very chill, and they all sounded soso good. I was especially surprised by Ruby Coast (my friend's cousin's band), because they've only been together a few years and they came out on stage and worked it like they had been around forever. And said friend's cousin's name is Justice which is equally, if not more cool than the fact that they played awesomely. Lordy am I ever tired...I have to head to work in a few hours, but I may get around to posting shtuff up afterwards if I'm not dead by then.

Ohoh and I got the cutest shirt @ the merch table last night, must show you guys that too 'cause it was ♥ at first sight. Alright I'm out!

The Arkells

Off to see The Arkells for a second time tonight! They're playing a free show at the Sound Academy, along with a couple other bands I don't know too much about yet. You can download their debut album from my other blog here. Will post pics and vids soon! Cheers :)


Shirt - Mom's closet
Necklace - Can't remember
Belt - My childhood
Leggings - Urban Behaviour
Boots - VV


Shirt - Mommy got it for me on her travels
Necklace - VV♥
Shorts - Bluenotes
Belt - Mom's closet
Slip-on Mocs - Aldo

All Aboard!

Alright, how cute is this Louis Vuitton dress with it's fresh twist on the nautical theme? Naughty nautical, anyone?

Check out's "Resort Roundup" for the top 10 trends in resort 2010 collections here.

Eyeko Cosmetics

If you haven't already heard of Eyeko, let me introduce you! They're a super cute cosmetics company based in London, England. They're products are inspired by manga, and include mascara, lip balm, highlighting moisturizer, eyeshadow, eyeliner etc. etc. They have everything makeup-related, all in the cutest manga-inspired packaging. Since I have such an interest in makeup, I thought it might be fun to become an Eyeko Ambassador. Basically my job is to promote the product to lovely people such as yourself! But before you say "oh here we go..."

1. I have never recieved any free product from this, or any other company
2. I will never give a product a good review if I don't personally don't think it's good
3. I would never force anyone to buy products! If you're interested in trying something out that I've reviewed or suggested, awesome. If not, that's cool too :)

So basically the deal is, they sell good products at affordable prices (we're talking between $5 - $9 here!), and they offer free shipping worldwide. Not many companies do that! As well, if you enter the code E3942 with your order, you will recieve a free gift! So if you do decide to try something, let me know what you got and how you liked it :)

Eyeko Website

Happy shopping!


Over the next little while, I would like to try out some new beauty tricks I've learned about. I've been reading this awesome book called "The Idiot's Guide to Household Solutions", and it's a great read for those of you that can't afford expensive products, or like to go the natural route. I've compiled a bunch of homemade recipes for delicious-sounding face masks, bath oils, body scrubs etc. and plan on trying them out to see just how well they work. I'll post up my thoughts, as well as recipes for you DIY-savvy girls that wanna try them yourself!

I've already tried out one mask, and I liked the results. Like eating eggs? How about putting them on your face! All you have to do is separate an egg white, from an egg yolk, and slather the egg white on your face, as you would with any other mask. Wait 20 minutes, rinse, and voila! It will make your face feel firm and fresh. It's great for you gals with oily skin, as it will tighten pores. If you tend to be prone to acne, add a 1/4 tsp. of lemon juice to the mask. Lemon juice acts similarly to store-bought topical acne creams, by drying out current blemishes. The best part is, these are typical items that you probably already have at home, and it's easy to whip up a quick mask.

More tips and reviews to come!

Oh and this is just a side note, but I thought it was interesting. Yesterday my friends were talking about getting fast food for dinner, and my one friend started going the old route saying "that crap is sooo bad for you", which we all know. But she also had a really good idea. When she doesn't have time, or feel like cooking, she'll stop by a local grocery store. Many of them always have ready-made sandwiches, salads, veggie trays, fruit bowls, sushi etc. all made from the same ingredients you would use if you were making it homemade. So not only is it fast and delicious, it's a healthier alternative. So next time you think of getting fast food, think about hitting up the grocery store instead!


[What Was Jas Wearing]

Alexisonfire T - Warped Tour
Belt - My closet
Leather Leggings - Forever 21
Sandals - H&M

Can't Beat 'Em? Join 'Em!

If you can't have it, make it! How funny is this picture (see right) from Nylon Blogs? Somebody's got a good sense of humour! Check out the original post here.

Beauty Bloggin'

I realized that I follow quite a few beauty blogs, so I've compiled a list of some of my faves for you kids to take a look at:

Nessesary Makeup
Scrangie (the nail queen!)

You can follow them to check out product reviews, new product launches, contests, blog sales etc. etc. Many of these lovely ladies are on YouTube as well, and you can find them on my channel under my subscriptions, or by searching for their user name.


Beach party day tomorrow! Super stoked, mang. I really need to buy some tanning sunscreen/lotion stuff so I can NOT be half white and mediocre-ly tanned anymore. Also, why am I obssessed with this song?

Mariah Carey - Obssessed

Not usually my style, but I like it? Also I was outside tanning the other day and this song popped on the radio. It's so chill, I almost fell asleep! *thinks of potential disastrous sunburn and shudders*

Deadmau5 - I Remember



So I'm going to cram my fashion&beauty blog in with this one, just because I realized having 3 separate blogs is getting a little out of hand. I rarely post on either one lately, so combined it'll seem like I'm posting more :) (bahaha!). Anyshoes, my music blog will remain the same because lord knows I love music so much, it needs it's own separate blog! Okay kiddos, that's all for now :)

Sexy Coffee

I'm bringing sexy back to Country Style. what a piece of nostalgia this job is going to be.

jam night tonight, w0000t. I may actually sing this time! hmm what else... I don't have alot to say...

oh, may be starting a band with a few of my friends. this will prove to be interesting, I'm sure. & might be seeing Holy Fuck on Friday for FREE!? yess, top score! okay I'm done trying to come up with anything interesting to say. life is a beach right now, & I'm getting a sweeet tan!


time for an update; life has been such a whirlwind lately. oh gosh, where to start. well, I won't be getting OSAP this year which makes my life a little daunting, considering I have to try & find other ways to make up the money I need for school. aaand my mom recently got laid off, which couldn't come at a worse time. not to mention I had a near-death experience on Monday :\ but we won't get into that. so all in all, life has been a bit of a bumpy ride lately. but onto some good news!

this past weekend was my dad's birthday, and we celebrated by attending the Big Music Fest at the Wiarton Airfield. TEN THOUSAND people attended! uh hello, never seen that many people in my life! but the show was just fantastic. lineup included The Spades, The Arkells, Sam Roberts & the main attraction, The Tragically Hip. Gord Downie is just a genious, and a crazy mothereffer on stage. will post vids sooooon on YouTube as well as my music blog, so stay tuned for that jazz.

ohoh! & I won a set of cosmetic brushes from the Canadian cosmetics company Annabelle! sooo excited to get them; I really needed new ones & right now I don't have the money to pay for them. so, thanks Annabelle! :)

-phew- alright I think that's all for now folks, but I will get around to updating my other blogs soooon, especially about the concert. ciao for now!

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