blue eyed babe

so last night I got out of my house, which was super nice considering I've been doing nothing but cleaning & hopelessly waiting for a job to fall in my lap (ha!). my friend Ryan invited me out to Orleans, which is a cute little jazz/blues bar in Newmarket. they have an open jam session every Tuesday night, and it was the last night the host was leading it, because she's going on tour! which is pretty freakin' wicked if you ask me. I remember I did Georgina Idol (my hometown's attempted version of American Idol) in grade 9 and I competed against her and she was amazing, so it's really good to see her accomplishing her dreams like that. she even has a CD coming out in June, which is double wicked.

anywho so the night was overall pretty good, alot of reeeally good musicians played. it made me want to get up on stage with them, so I might even consider doing it one night, who knows. I'm just super shy which tends to be my main problem in life that stems all my other little problems that arise. last night I only knew Ryan, and of course he pretty much knew everyone 'cause he used to play there every Tuesday & I sat at a table the whooole night. it would have been nice f I could have socialized a bit, but I'm honestly so lost when I'm by myself in a sea of people I don't know. if I'm with a group of friendss, no problemo 'cause I can let my personality shine through but nooo not when I'm alone.

good lord someone help me! you know, being 20 and all, one would think I'd be sort of over my awkward stage...

anywho, good night, now I'm seriously considering starting a band and yeeeah!

oh & I'm just gunna do a little plug for Bernadette (the girl I was talking about) here's her website & myspace.


kristyn said...

haha! im basically still waiting for a job to fall in my lap too! at least we dont have to feel as bad knowing that we're both unemployed...

start a band!!! ill come to your shows!!

Jas said...

lmao yeah, I don't feel like as much of a failure now :P & I sure will start a band if you'll be there! you might be the only one there but of course it'll be a raging time aha.

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