Well here it is. Unfortunately, it didn't print like I thought it would. But I'm pleased with the layout.
First Photoshop Assignment
oh heeeeyyy there bloooog. I kind of forgot this little piece of journalistic fun existed! I think I've been updating my music blog more than this one :| So if you like good tunes, check it out here. So what's new? Alot, I suppose. I realized that I really don't like the program I'm in, and I've decided to go back to school next year. I'm still going to finish out this year and graduate, but I'm just not happy with school at the moment. And I'm moving! In 4 weeks!! Everything is happening so fast... I went home for Thanksgiving this past weekend, and my home isn't even my home anymore. It was the last time I'll be in my hometown, at least for awhile. Weeeird..... other than all this chaos, I'm doing pretty well. I'm excited about moving to a new town & meeting new people! Alright, this post is a bore lol. Ciao kids.
one hundred.
Haha even though it was hostile, my last post was my 100th post. Whooooooo!
Hmm... even though so much has happened over the past few weeks, I honestly can't think of anything to say. I rearranged my room today? Now my bed is in the middle & my TV is directly across so it's like a little couch to play Mario Party & Super Smash Bros. on :) I'll probably be putting up some new tunage on my other blog, so be sure to check that out [here]. Sahrry for making this blog so laaame lately!
Dear Res Neighbour,
I appreciate that you have a love for popular music, and I share in this love, but could you perhaps refrain from blaring your music at midnight? You see, I happen to have co-op tomorrow and I only have to wake up in 5 hours, so I kinda of want to punch you in the face right now & destroy your music-playing device. That is all.
P.S. really? You're listening to Kelly Clarkson? REALLY!?
Long Time!
Okeedoke, so I've been slightly lacking on the blog posts recently. I've just been sooo caught up with moving back to school, and everything that goes along with it. Once school starts & I can get situated, I'll have more time to blog about... whatever! & a big hello to those new girlies that have just started following me :)
"That" Crowd
I think I've gotten to the point in my life where trying to fit in with "that" crowd, isn't really important. You know how there's always one group of people who are so close, and deem you as an outcast because you're a little unique...well why would I want to be friends with people like that anyway? I'm not very good at fitting into a box. I'm not very good at liking what everyone else likes; I like to keep things original. It gets me down sometimes when I realize how this "group" sees me, but I just have to remember a few things. I know who I am, and I like what I like. I can't be someone I'm not. I won't ever try to be like someone else just because they're a little more "normal" in other people's eyes. I'm just sick of being judged, and talked about, and giggled at. I wish people would just be accepting of other people's differences, instead of being scrutinizing. I wish I didn't care what they think.
I know I'm posting lots of fashion pics, but today I'm finding the best stuff. Check out these shoes! I looove architectural footwear. See more of these babies here.
Edgy in Blue
The Tiny Pyramid
Love this little bracelet/ring/thing from All for the Mountain. Check out an article by CheekMagazine on these jewellery designs here.
P.S. the show @ Horseshow on Friday was bomb. You can download full albums from two of the bands that performed here.
Urban Outfitters Dupe!
I was in Urban Outfitters a few months ago, and saw this gorgeous pink ruffle purse and pretty much fell in love right in the middle of the store. However, at the time I had very little money being a college student, and couldn't afford the $68 price tag. One day I was just "window shopping" online, looking at some sale stuff from Spring Shoes. Low and behold, I fell in love again! This time I wanted to MARRY the purse, for it's $20 price tag! Check out this dupe for my beloved UO bag:

It's A Hi-Def World, Baby
-sigh- I know I'm slightly lacking on the posting lately, but I just haven't really been in the mood. Style.com caught my attention however, when they did a little slideshow on new hi-definition makeup, along with the history of how that makeup got to be where it is today. I thought it was interesting, so if you do too you can check it out here.
Good Show, Good Show
Check out this cute Arkells shirt I picked up from the show on Friday for $10!
I love the little vintage-esque sweater the musician is wearing. Lovelove!
Also, I finally put up the vids I took on YouTube, and you can check 'em out here.
Your English Is Good
So Tokyo Police Club are playing a show with Ruby Coast on August 15th in Newmarket, about 20 minutes away from me. These kids hail from Newmarket, and I'm sad to say that I only recently clued into this fact. Even still, that's flippin' awesome. What's even more awesome, is that because my friend's cousin plays in Ruby Coast, we get to attend the after party! Holla, living the rockstar life, right here. No I kid, I kid but it should be a rocking good time and you know I'll be snapping pics n taking vids, so stay tuned!And if you're in the area, or would like to come down for the show, just message me for deets! Cheers!
Forget About Harry...
...I want this guy!
I actually have no idea how old he is, but I do know his name is Frank Dillane and he played Tom Riddle (aka young Voldemort)
in Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince. Doesn't he just look so cute in the above picture? Not to mention, the kid's got some serious style. I saw the movie on Thursday, and the effects were awesome as usual, but I'm always disappointed with the movies themselves. If you didn't read the book, there would be a lot of parts where you'd be scratching your head and wondering what the H-E-L-L just happened. But this guy's a little cutie, and even though I don't know his age, I'm crushin'!
So the show last night was pretty much just super great. All three bands were very chill, and they all sounded soso good. I was especially surprised by Ruby Coast (my friend's cousin's band), because they've only been together a few years and they came out on stage and worked it like they had been around forever. And said friend's cousin's name is Justice which is equally, if not more cool than the fact that they played awesomely. Lordy am I ever tired...I have to head to work in a few hours, but I may get around to posting shtuff up afterwards if I'm not dead by then.
Ohoh and I got the cutest shirt @ the merch table last night, must show you guys that too 'cause it was ♥ at first sight. Alright I'm out!
The Arkells
Off to see The Arkells for a second time tonight! They're playing a free show at the Sound Academy, along with a couple other bands I don't know too much about yet. You can download their debut album from my other blog here. Will post pics and vids soon! Cheers :)
Necklace - Can't remember
Belt - My childhood
Leggings - Urban Behaviour
Boots - VV
Necklace - VV♥
Shorts - Bluenotes
Belt - Mom's closet
Slip-on Mocs - Aldo
All Aboard!
Alright, how cute is this Louis Vuitton dress with it's fresh twist on the nautical theme? Naughty nautical, anyone?
Check out style.com's "Resort Roundup" for the top 10 trends in resort 2010 collections here.
Eyeko Cosmetics
If you haven't already heard of Eyeko, let me introduce you! They're a super cute cosmetics company based in London, England. They're products are inspired by manga, and include mascara, lip balm, highlighting moisturizer, eyeshadow, eyeliner etc. etc. They have everything makeup-related, all in the cutest manga-inspired packaging. Since I have such an interest in makeup, I thought it might be fun to become an Eyeko Ambassador. Basically my job is to promote the product to lovely people such as yourself! But before you say "oh here we go..."
1. I have never recieved any free product from this, or any other company
2. I will never give a product a good review if I don't personally don't think it's good
3. I would never force anyone to buy products! If you're interested in trying something out that I've reviewed or suggested, awesome. If not, that's cool too :)
So basically the deal is, they sell good products at affordable prices (we're talking between $5 - $9 here!), and they offer free shipping worldwide. Not many companies do that! As well, if you enter the code E3942 with your order, you will recieve a free gift! So if you do decide to try something, let me know what you got and how you liked it :)
Eyeko Website
Happy shopping!
Over the next little while, I would like to try out some new beauty tricks I've learned about. I've been reading this awesome book called "The Idiot's Guide to Household Solutions", and it's a great read for those of you that can't afford expensive products, or like to go the natural route. I've compiled a bunch of homemade recipes for delicious-sounding face masks, bath oils, body scrubs etc. and plan on trying them out to see just how well they work. I'll post up my thoughts, as well as recipes for you DIY-savvy girls that wanna try them yourself!
I've already tried out one mask, and I liked the results. Like eating eggs? How about putting them on your face! All you have to do is separate an egg white, from an egg yolk, and slather the egg white on your face, as you would with any other mask. Wait 20 minutes, rinse, and voila! It will make your face feel firm and fresh. It's great for you gals with oily skin, as it will tighten pores. If you tend to be prone to acne, add a 1/4 tsp. of lemon juice to the mask. Lemon juice acts similarly to store-bought topical acne creams, by drying out current blemishes. The best part is, these are typical items that you probably already have at home, and it's easy to whip up a quick mask.
More tips and reviews to come!
Oh and this is just a side note, but I thought it was interesting. Yesterday my friends were talking about getting fast food for dinner, and my one friend started going the old route saying "that crap is sooo bad for you", which we all know. But she also had a really good idea. When she doesn't have time, or feel like cooking, she'll stop by a local grocery store. Many of them always have ready-made sandwiches, salads, veggie trays, fruit bowls, sushi etc. all made from the same ingredients you would use if you were making it homemade. So not only is it fast and delicious, it's a healthier alternative. So next time you think of getting fast food, think about hitting up the grocery store instead!
Can't Beat 'Em? Join 'Em!
If you can't have it, make it! How funny is this picture (see right) from Nylon Blogs? Somebody's got a good sense of humour! Check out the original post here.
Beauty Bloggin'
I realized that I follow quite a few beauty blogs, so I've compiled a list of some of my faves for you kids to take a look at:
Nessesary Makeup
Scrangie (the nail queen!)
Beach party day tomorrow! Super stoked, mang. I really need to buy some tanning sunscreen/lotion stuff so I can NOT be half white and mediocre-ly tanned anymore. Also, why am I obssessed with this song?
Mariah Carey - Obssessed
Not usually my style, but I like it? Also I was outside tanning the other day and this song popped on the radio. It's so chill, I almost fell asleep! *thinks of potential disastrous sunburn and shudders*
Deadmau5 - I Remember
So I'm going to cram my fashion&beauty blog in with this one, just because I realized having 3 separate blogs is getting a little out of hand. I rarely post on either one lately, so combined it'll seem like I'm posting more :) (bahaha!). Anyshoes, my music blog will remain the same because lord knows I love music so much, it needs it's own separate blog! Okay kiddos, that's all for now :)
Sexy Coffee
I'm bringing sexy back to Country Style. what a piece of nostalgia this job is going to be.
jam night tonight, w0000t. I may actually sing this time! hmm what else... I don't have alot to say...
oh, may be starting a band with a few of my friends. this will prove to be interesting, I'm sure. & might be seeing Holy Fuck on Friday for FREE!? yess, top score! okay I'm done trying to come up with anything interesting to say. life is a beach right now, & I'm getting a sweeet tan!
time for an update; life has been such a whirlwind lately. oh gosh, where to start. well, I won't be getting OSAP this year which makes my life a little daunting, considering I have to try & find other ways to make up the money I need for school. aaand my mom recently got laid off, which couldn't come at a worse time. not to mention I had a near-death experience on Monday :\ but we won't get into that. so all in all, life has been a bit of a bumpy ride lately. but onto some good news!
this past weekend was my dad's birthday, and we celebrated by attending the Big Music Fest at the Wiarton Airfield. TEN THOUSAND people attended! uh hello, never seen that many people in my life! but the show was just fantastic. lineup included The Spades, The Arkells, Sam Roberts & the main attraction, The Tragically Hip. Gord Downie is just a genious, and a crazy mothereffer on stage. will post vids sooooon on YouTube as well as my music blog, so stay tuned for that jazz.
ohoh! & I won a set of cosmetic brushes from the Canadian cosmetics company Annabelle! sooo excited to get them; I really needed new ones & right now I don't have the money to pay for them. so, thanks Annabelle! :)
-phew- alright I think that's all for now folks, but I will get around to updating my other blogs soooon, especially about the concert. ciao for now!
What Am I Going to Do With You?
When I'm with you, I feel like I'm 17 again.
Like I'm that same young girl,
eyes wide & interested whenever you were around.
It's a nice memory,
but just that.
A memory.
I'm no longer 17,
and we are no longer the same people.
How can you expect me to go back?
Years have passed, and still you feel the same way.
A year after I finally gave up on you,
you still came around.
Too bad you still didn't have the guts to just tell me how you felt.
I don't need all the fluff that comes with you,
I just need you.
But I don't think I want you anymore...
My Life For Hire
yesterday was a fantabulous day for finding potential jobs. I always check Job Bank, and there were about 5 new retail jobs posted. & even when I was at the mall with Tessa a lot of places were hiring. high five, top score! so I ended up faxing resumes, filling out applications, e-mailing resumes yada yada and over all applied to 15 different places sooo *fingers crossed* I'm super hopeful, but a little bit worried because if I don't get a job, I probably won't be able to come back to school next year. but eff that, there's no freaking way I'm working for another year, eff that nooooise. anywho, nothing too exciting to say really...just someone hire me please?
Lip Gloss & Alcohol
I actually had a few accomplishments for the day considering I was pretty much exhausted & laid around for 90% of it. finally got my SmartServe! holla Boston Pizza Keswick! please hire me :) & I just finished playing around with making some makeup. make a new lip gloss, and it turned out to be a gorgeous raspberry colour so I can't wait to try it out! also tried to make a new blush. came out interesting as in sorta multi-coloured...but whatever I can just pretend it's one of those earthy multi-coloured expensive mineral blushes. ha! all in all a ram dazzle of a day. sorry Josh, I had to say it!
Tra La La Har-mon-i-ca
so I checked eBay today to see how my bid was doing on my harmonicaaa. no bids for the past 6 days, & this sneaky little bidder jumped right in there and bid higher than me right before it ended! fortunately I had enough time to bid again & my new harmonica should be on it's way soon! stoked to start getting all bluesy and such.
I guess I forgot to mention that City&Colour was rad-tastic on Tuesday. check out vids on my other blog, or my youtube. uhm uhm...oh yeah! definitely buying a harmonica. in some fit of craziness, I made an account on eBay last night, and placed my first-ever bid on a brand new Hohner BluesBand harmonica. *note to self*: once you place a bid on eBay, you can't go back :/ good thing I only placed a bid 5 cents higher than the asking price bahaha...so I guess we'll see how well THAT goes. & ugh I looked at this guy's music store, which was a huuuge mistake considering he sells all these crazy picks for cheap prices, and I definitely want some AND an electric tuner, which is also cheap.
I think I'm a shopaholic.
simple ramblings.
I just want to see you, and tell you that I've missed you, even though such a feeling is not something I'm totally sure of, because how can you miss what you don't know, but wrapping my arms around you just sounds like an excellent idea and sometimes I play it over in my head as if it were a movie.
This movie has no credits, and no ending, but I'm sure if it were to have an ending I'd suppose it would have to be a happy one, because I wouldn't have it any other way, and the thought of anything related to you being unhappy seems quite preposterous.
If I could make up a word and have it be real to describe how silly that concept sounds, I would.
But I can't.
I am just a simple girl, a simple girl who misses a simple you.
Old Friendships Die Hard
I think we butt heads so much because we're so much the same. it's okay for you to disagree, I'm not one to mind at this point. but I've never had an identity that was all my own. I've always been jealous of non-existent figures, examples of a perfection that the living has never seen. I'm sorry I carried my jealously into your world; you were never deserving of it. I miss you, and I hope I won't have to anymore. whether it's because we've been reunited or because you've removed yourself from my life completely, the choice is yours.
aaalright, I twisted my ankle today whilst wearing 1cm high heels. how does this even happen?
Oh, Haha
ahahaha. I was on this site bestweekever.tv, and I was reading a blog post about the 50 Best Pun Stores. this one made me giggle alot.
you can check out the rest of 'em here.
Dream a Little Dream of Me
my mom fiiinally came home last after being away for a week. I've been having nightmare-ish dreams for the past week, I guess because I hate being alone. last night I finally had a good dream, and it was actually pretty awesome. a bunch of people from school and decided to go galavanting around Europe, which was pretty sweet considering I've never been outside the country. alot of people didn't have faces, or at least I did recognize who they were, but there was this one guy who I was hanging out with for the majority of the trip. he was being all cute, holding my hand and such so I woke up all warm & fuzzy feeling. oh yeah, did I mention we had to get into teams and make a cake out of what appeared to be torn magazine pages? rando, and we lost 'cause we showed up late to the competition. just as well, the team that won made a real cake ahaha LOSERS. this is what all the craziness is supposed to mean.
Crush: To dream that you have a crush on somebody, is a literal reflection of your attraction and fascination for that person. To see your crush in your dream, represents your current infatuation with him or her. If you find yourself thinking about him during the day, then it is understandable that his image will appear in your dream during the night.
Traveling: To dream that you are traveling, represents the path toward your life goals. It also parallels your daily routine and the way you progress. If your travels come to an end, then it symbolizes successful completion of your goals.
Europe: To dream of traveling to Europe, signifies a long journey which will give you some financial gain. Alternatively, it indicates original thought or old ways of thinking.
Cake: To see a cake in your dream, indicates that you need to learn to share and allocate your workload instead of trying to do everything yourself.Cakes also symbolize selfishness or the feeling of not getting your fair share. More positively, the dream may represent your accomplishments and achievements. Consider also the metaphor a "piece of cake" or some situation that is easy.
Pay It Forward
I needed some shtuff from Shoppers today & I want to hand my resume to the Bargain Shop so I took a little half hour stroll to "downtown Keswick" (ha!) I was in line at Shoppers and there was an older man in front of me & he started talking to me about what he was buying, which happened to be those little marshmallow ice cream candy thingies. he started off with the cliche old-man expression "now, when I was young..." & we just got to talking. he was also buying a cute little birthday card for a local doctor who's birthday was today, and proceeded to show me it. something about a smelly sock puppet...ANYway, jeez this story is taking forever.
he needed a quarter to make his purchase even, so I gave him one 'cause I tend to always have alot of useless change & I just thought it'd be a nice gesture. he says "you know, we need more people in the world like you" or something equally as sweet, and hugs me. a stranger I met 5 minutes prior HUGGED me in the middle of Shoppers Drugmart and told me I made his day. the cashier was all "oooh it's like that movie, Pay it Forward!". anywho, so he walks out and says "I really hope you have a good life" now, I've never heard that line before but I thought it was nice nonetheless. the cashier however was all "ooh I've never heard that before, kind of creepy!" like please, the guy is 65 years old and I'm sure grew up in a time where people were a heck of a lot nicer and more compassionate towards other people than they are today. he was just being nice; why do people get so freaked out when people try to be nice to them?
sooo I guess giving a quarter to an old man was my good deed for the day. but his kindness towards me made my day, more than me giving him a quarter made his. just be nice people, a smile is all it takes :)
Pants Down?
okay so, I live across from like a pond-filled wildlife fieldy type area, and my bedroom windows face it. I just looked over for a second and a man and woman looked like they just came from the paths leading to the ponds. the man was walking pretty slowly, then I noticed his belt/zipper were both undone and he was in the process of doing them up :/ uhm...yiiikes.
seriously, what is the world coming to?
New Layouttt.
pshh, I get bored sooo easily with things. I don't know how many times I've changed the layout for this blog, but this time I decided to get a template online from good ol' Blogger Templates. meh, I dunno if I really like it; there's not much about it that I can make original, and I can't really "Jazz" it up ahaha. and I quote Aqua Teen Hunger Force in saying, "did you get the double entendre"? ANYwho, I don't really have much to say...
ohoh but I did hear a song on an episode of Degrassi I watched the other day, that I l-l-love & I didn't feel like creating a separate post on my music blog just for it sooo here it is:
Montreal Love Song - We Are the Take
I can't breathe in the space that's filled with your sound
Can't call a spade a spade in this town
Dug a hole now I can't get out
I can't figure it out
Keep your head up high keep mine deep in the ground
Hide away the love that I've found, built a wall now I can't get round
I can't figure it out
Always on my mind
I can feel you now
Don't think I can find you this time
You can tell on me I can tell on you too
Act as though you have forgotten all the trouble you have gotten
Into my dear, don't believe it's you
Always on my mind
I can feel you now
Don't think I can find you this time
blue eyed babe
so last night I got out of my house, which was super nice considering I've been doing nothing but cleaning & hopelessly waiting for a job to fall in my lap (ha!). my friend Ryan invited me out to Orleans, which is a cute little jazz/blues bar in Newmarket. they have an open jam session every Tuesday night, and it was the last night the host was leading it, because she's going on tour! which is pretty freakin' wicked if you ask me. I remember I did Georgina Idol (my hometown's attempted version of American Idol) in grade 9 and I competed against her and she was amazing, so it's really good to see her accomplishing her dreams like that. she even has a CD coming out in June, which is double wicked.
anywho so the night was overall pretty good, alot of reeeally good musicians played. it made me want to get up on stage with them, so I might even consider doing it one night, who knows. I'm just super shy which tends to be my main problem in life that stems all my other little problems that arise. last night I only knew Ryan, and of course he pretty much knew everyone 'cause he used to play there every Tuesday & I sat at a table the whooole night. it would have been nice f I could have socialized a bit, but I'm honestly so lost when I'm by myself in a sea of people I don't know. if I'm with a group of friendss, no problemo 'cause I can let my personality shine through but nooo not when I'm alone.
good lord someone help me! you know, being 20 and all, one would think I'd be sort of over my awkward stage...
anywho, good night, now I'm seriously considering starting a band and yeeeah!
oh & I'm just gunna do a little plug for Bernadette (the girl I was talking about) here's her website & myspace.
I just want to be okay. I'm lonely, what else is new. and I hate being home alone, which unfortunately is what I have to deal with until my mom comes home next week. but despite the loneliness, I'm learning some pretty good life lessons, and I'm trying to start fresh. I've been doing pretty well so far.
you know, you say you feel...well you feel a certain way. and I'm kind of happy that life is bringing you down to earth. you're just like me.
and you, well. I miss you, and that's all I can really say.
gosh darn. so it looks like pretty much nowhere is hiring right now, at least when it comes to retail (which is experience I'm lacking in & should have considering I'm a FASHION student *rolls eyes*). but I got my income tax money so I'm no longer broke! :D & I finally started a music blog, even though I'm clueless when it comes to actually putting music on it. I figured out how to add links though! I'm really moving along here...
& since I got such a good deal shopping yesterday, I thought it might be fun to do a blog on fashion&beauty deals. who doesn't love a good deal? sale happens to be my favourite word. so here are the links to my new found loves blogs:
Fashion&Beauty and Music *plugplugplug* they're just babies right now, but check 'em out if you dare MUAHAHAHA -ahem- no seriously, check 'em out :)
oh dear, the past two posts have been quite uhm shall we say, hostile? -sigh- I guess I'm just at a point in my life where I know what I deserve and I just can't deal with "frenemies" anymore. but I like to say, I don't burn bridges when I get burned. it just creates some good inspiration for new writing :) anywho, I woke up pretty happy today. it's gorgeous out! ugh, I've been holed up at home for the past couple days just unpacking and organzing my life. I can't believe how much crap I own. buuut coffee with Ryan this week, so that should be a good time.
yikes. I still have to go around everywhere and hand out resumes today. wish me luck kids!
god do I ever need to get out of this town. whenever you learn how to be a real friend, call me. you'll be too late.
rant city. not that I care, or have ever cared what you do or say because you're clearly still stuck in the tenth grade, but can you get off your bitch mobile for maybe one second and show a little compassion for people around you? wait what am I saying, you're one of those girls who won't ever change. well good luck in life sweetie, you're gunna need it in the real world.
aaand on a lighter note, only 3 hours 'til I'm home! :D
I swear I won't cry.
gahh moving day is upon me, and I'm caught in between being stoked/not being stoked. I just have to say I'm gunna miss everyone I've met over this past year, and I hope you all go on to have an amazing summer & do awesome things with your lives. I'm already excited for next year! peace out, kids of 08/09 xox.
I'm a photoshop-aholic
so I know I'm lame but...
yeah, getting excited over marks seems pretty lame-o but I am just so super STOKED about the mark I got on my final English report. I seriously thought I was gunna do pretty horribly considering we had two weeks to do it & I put off doing it 'til the day it was due...but I got a 93% on it! & my teacher even asked if she could use it as an example of "excellent work" in her future classes! it sure pays to wear spectacles; I fool everyone into thinking I'm a nerd.
-sigh- 5 out of 7 exams done, and let me tell you I am pooched. I just finished English, and I'm seriously contemplating going to bed. time check? oh yeah, it's 8:30 PM.
anywho, it's been an overall rad day. went out for lunch with Kim for her upcoming birthday, aced (hopefully) 2 exams, the sun is setting & it's gorgeous. oh yeah and we ate a tower of cake for dessert. no lie; I'm pretty sure it was like 3/4 of a foot tall. hokay, off I go, into the wild blue yonder.
a few minutes for a few words.
I've finally admitted to myself that I do it for the chase,
I fall in love with ghosts of past relationships
and I revel in the memories that once brought smiles
to both of our faces.
you're not second best,
you're just second guessed.
I'm sorry it always turns out this way;
but people change.
I can change.
who is it?
I can't answer that question.
I don't know.
I've interviewed myself a thousand times,
in hopes of making sense of these rhymes.
I'm scared,
so please don't leave me tonight.
Here Is Where We Drink & We Dream
A compilation of what we do best; drinking.
-sigh- I'm just really getting sick of fairweather friends. I can't wait to be at home for the summer; res is kind of taking a toll on me. I keep thinking I shouldn't sever ties & just be open about the friendships I have, but it's so hard when many of the people who call themselves my "friend" aren't aware of the definition of the word. I just really wish alot of people here would grow up.
on a lighter note, it's party time soon! unfortunately all the girlies I hang out with are either heading d/t tonight or have already gone home for the summer. aaand it's down to the last Friday I'll be partying with these cats. alright, procrastination button off. I need to clean my room!
here is just right.
a rustling sound forces me to lift the lids from my eyes, and I can't say I know who I am right now. for the few moments in between dreams and reality, I forget where I am & I forget who you are. we're moving faster than we were before, chasing cars, chasing daylight. I look up, and a single stars hangs in the sky, a symbol of mourning for broken dreams. a lonely star, a lonely planet. but amidst the chaos, I'm feeling alright. I turn once more, no longer looking at a lonely star. this time it's many. I catch a glance of the stars in your eyes, and smile a little inside. but I can't keep this a secret. my emotions are finding their way out of the crevices of my heart as a kiss lands on your cheek, and we fall back asleep. I'm right where I need to be.
I officially have Zac Efron set as my desktop background. I guess I didn't get the memo that I'll be playing the lead in TWELVE again. who cares, the boy is gorg.
I'm sorry. kind of.
first off, I'm super sorry for being a post whore. but I needed to get out my lust for Zac Efron, & write a little something that means absolutely nothing but helps me feel better about everything.
just so you know, I'm really sorry things turned out the way they did. I'm sorry I'm not close to you; I should be. I'm sorry I'm not the type of girl that gives you that feeling. I'm sorry I'm somewhat of a fraud when it comes to music, because I don't know everything about every band that ever was. I listen to music, I breathe music; I essentially delve into it the way it's meant to be delved in into, what it's made for. I'm not sorry I'm me. but I'm really sorry that you kind of...missed me. you looked right past me, and I'm sorry that you never got to know the real me. I'm sorry you never tried to. I don't have feelings tied to this anymore, it's just self-doubt I suppose. I'm sorry you're you, and I'm me, in a time and place where we can't be we. I'm sorry this is unfinished. goodnight.
so it just hit me probably 20 minutes ago that I'm going home NEXT WEEK. and I flashforward...ed to me crying hysterically when I have to say goodbye to everyone. let's take cues from Charlie Brown here, good grief.
I was looking at some profiles of people from back home on facebook and a sense of nostalgia wiped over me. I miss last summer. I miss wasaga beach. I miss getting completely baked and munching down on donuts afterward. I miss summer romance. alright sappy mcgee, that's it I'm breaking out the 'ol writing book. enough of spilling my entire life story onto a public website.
I was looking for a really good picture of something beachy or summery, but I came across this instead. he'll do.
all we need is a disco ball.
sooo last night didn't turn out too badly. I was kind of afraid we were gunna get our asses kicked when we showed up at a party where we DIDN'T KNOW ANYONE, but it actually turned out alright. the dj knew how to spin a good beat, & my feet liked it. omg I was just about to say nothing eventful happened but I completely forgot about trashing S basement's bathroom. aaaaaand BIG yikesss. 'twas our lifelong dream to party in SB lounge, & last night was the night.
oh, the mighty boosh? thanks Sam for plastering it on my computer, & thanks Jesse for watching it with me and confusing the "shite" outta me! okayokayokay I need to be productive aka shower, homework, eat, not necessarily in that order.
aaaand I'm out.
p.s. I'm gunna miss you girlies that are leaving today!
it's hot in herre. literally.
so I'm freakin' dying in my room right now, due to the massive attack of warm weather that has swept across Rexdale. but anywho, last night was pretty good. not as raging a party as I thought it would be, but I guess that's good in a way. it's just sad to think that last night is literally the last night we will ever party at 21 Bankview. well, it was good while it lasted.
two weeks. two weeks yesterday, I will be at home, unpacking all the memories I made at college. I won't be eating dirty res food, and I won't be going to knock on my friends' doors when I'm bored. honestly, how sad is that? I'm stoked for summer & being at home, I'm just not so stoked about how crazily emotional I'm gunna get when it comes time to say goodbye to everyone.
I'm thinking about making a slideshow, & once I get the time I'll get around to it. we need a reminder of how hard we partied, and all the friends we made along the way. here are some cute pics from the weekend to get the tears a flowin':
this is the first post I've ever...well, posted when I've been drunk & I'm tryin g my darndest to spell everything right! seriously, spellchecker every 5 seconds here. anywho, drinking on a Wednesday for the first timer FTW!
uhm, yeah, photoshop at 9am, and still in bed by 1:00 am!
p.s. Dear Amanda, Kristyn & Helga,
hope you all got to bed safe! can't wait for Friday, & I shall see you there!
♥ Jas
ayayay. I am literally exhausted. had a line sell today, which was actually a pretty fun project minus the part where we had to get video taped so we could look at our mistakes. and we fiiinally finished our promotions project, and the ads actually came out perdy darn good! now I just have to do my 15 page report for English that's due on Sunday that I definitely haven't even started yet...
had a really good weekend with the fam, ate lots of delicious food which was a nice change from res food/living off nothing for the past few weeks. can't wait for this weekend though, one last hurrah!
it's only 7:58 PM. aaand goodnight.
judy is a punk.
I don't usually like to write my feelings towards people down, at least not where everyone can see them. but I'm feeling pretty badass right now and that's about as rebellious as I can get on a Thursday night at home.
so I hope you know, I'm contemplating deleting you out of my life. literally. hanging up on you, because I just can't get hung up anymore. cell phone number, erase. e-mail address, erase. facebook, erase.
it's hard to write your feelings when you actually sort of mean them. none of this lyrical therapy, this is the real deal. except it's not, because I'm too nice and I could never just push an entire person out of my life no matter how hardcore they suck.
plus I'm being super tenth grade about this. I just feel like whining a little. it's my party bitch, I'll cry if I want to.
big sigh.
I started taking down all my posters & pictures today, as well as gathering up a bunch of stuff to take home this weekend. My walls look so bare. I'm gunna miss you S313, and all the good times that came with you.
hot mess.
I have been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off for probably a week now. too much homework, too many projects, hardly any time to do them. I've been trying to be a little more chill, but it's hard when I have so many things to do. but...
Fast&Furious tonight! *claps*
and I'm pretty happy about a few other things.
I wish we could just be friends.
I wish you knew the meaning of friendship.
we get so close, then fall so far
with nothing to catch us but the entangled chaos we have created between us.
you're so different but,
you're all the same.
here's hoping you'll grow up someday.
here's hoping you never grow up.
ay ay ay.
lots of things to say, little time to say it, need to go to bed!
alright so went to The Devil Wears Prada Show last night, which was amaaazing. they played with Emarosa (lovelovelove Jonny Craig), Sky Eats Airplane & A Day to Remember. an overall radtastic night. except for the couple who were holding hand in the mosh pit, except their hands kept jabbing me in the shoulder blades. & that kid who sucker punched me while throwing down. the best parts were probably:
a) seeing Joey's hair after being in the mosh pit
b) getting shut down by my ex-boyfriend's best friend who I thought I'd be nice and say hey to, & then seeing him throwdown like a bitch later on
c) laughing our asses off at Joey for buying a v-neck. he'll never live it down. NEVER!
but yeah, great night, thumbs up all around.
and tonight, Bill Nye came to our school! he even wore a powder blue jacket suit & a little bowtie. love my life.
definitely forgot everything else I was planning on saying. so yeah, feelin' good, life's great, high five!
oh p.s., I took a video of the song Still Fly & I will post it on Youtube when I crawl out from the pile of homework I still need to do. I'll post a link in one of my upcoming blogs. cheers!
I am so freakin' bored right now. I've been wasting my time looking at crappy Youtube videos. I should be doing English, but I'm held back by a raging headache. okay it's not so raging, I'm just one for complaints tonight. someone find me a party.
totally dude.
party like a rock. party like a rockstar.
holy shamoly.
ay ay ay the drama last night.
and when there wasn't drama, there was cheesy waffles made by the lovely Chef Sam.
Did you hear the '59 Sound coming through on Grandmama's radio?
Did you hear the rattling chains in the hospital walls?
Did you hear the old gospel choir when they came to carry you over?
Did you hear your favorite song one last time?
this song is stuck in my head currently, but no complaints I might add. The Gaslight Anthem are a new favourite of mine. -sigh- I kind of went into this meaning to talk about how awesome last night was...then I realized it was just a typical res night. but again, no complaints. I love these kids, & I'm gunna miss them alot over the 4 month period between beginning of summer parties & back to school shopping. yikes, sap alert sap alert!
alright forget the goodbyes, let's just party hard!
what a line-up.
my upcoming concert-going schedule:
Sunday - The Devil Wears Prada w/ A Day to Remember, Emarosa, Sky Eats Airplane
Wednesday - Taste of Chaos w/ Bring Me the Horizon, Cancer Bats, Thursday, Four Year Strong, Pierce the Veil
Tuesday May 26th - City & Colour
possibly Edgefest June 20th, & Warped Tour July 10th? for someone who hadn't been to a concert until this year, I'm rackin' up the shows. stoked! :)
guess who's back?
bird-cat is back, right outside my window, meow-cawing away. just in time for me to crack down on studying for the humanities test I forgot I had tomorrow...I have no motivation for school these days. *cue big sigh* end scene.
bird-cat, and other odd things.
this morning I was awoken by the sounds of a bird chirping...but it wasn't any normal chirp, oh no. it started out sounding like a cat, then went straight into cawing like a madmanbird.
meow-CAW, meow-CAW.
hence the state of confusion I was in for at least 5 minutes upon waking.
this was also due to the fact that I had a really random dream, as I usually do. except this time, there was a legit monster/alien thing that somehow got out of it's cage and was chasing me around someone's living room. it had claws. I didn't stand a chance.
dear you, sincerely me.
any more than you would be.
I'm sort of over it, if that's what needs to be said.
I don't know what exactly I'm over,
but these words sitting on the tip of my tongue,
no longer exist as a reminder of you.
The songs, the poetry beneath melodies and beats,
no longer bring your face to my mind.
It's not that I never want to see you.
It's that,
I do see you now.
In a different light.
You'll always be around;
you're always around.
p.s., Lights just won for something, have no clue what it was because I was distracted by my cat walking all over my laptop. love her!
I've never actually watched the Junos before, but when I saw that City&Colour would be performing, I channel changed like wildfire. & Dallas Green won for best song writer of the year! lovelove. although I secretly wish I was Leah Miller and he was thanking me up at the podium...
we don't go to shows, we just walk the night.
it's gorgeous out here.
so, before last night, I'd never been on the path that leads to the Arb at my school. and I really can't think of why, because it's gorgeous there at night.
won't you take my hand,
just walk with me for a little while,
then hold me a little while longer.
fit of giggles!
misinterpretations make me laugh.
I said: "Gahh I have the cough-laugh!" (aka when you laugh & you start hacking everywhere. real attractive, I know)
She said: "What? Cough the magic dragon?"
*cue hysterical fit of laughter*
okay. I just completely forgot what I wanted to say. seriously? I mean, SERIOUSLY!?
I give up. uhm, moving along...Crispy Minis Ketchup Flavour are amazing. & I say this because I almost devoured an entire bag tonight after I discovered how good they tasted.
let's do a quote of the day, shall we?
"I mean, I know like before I said she really wasn't pretty? well like, she kind of is...like in a really weird way...but do you know who is UGLY!? I mean like, SERIOUSLY UGLY!..." aha. PJ, PJ. & if you never watched that show on the Family Channel whose name I can't remember you'd know that means "Private Joke". alright now let's get serious! I'm out.
p.s. downtown tomorrow! stoked!
smiley feces!
alright, so unless you're a guy & you're into gross-out kind of humour, you might be thoroughly grossed out by this. I thought it was hilarious, which is whyyy it's being talked about. alright, so this morning I had to go...y'know, "poo" & after I went I turned around to flush the toilet & got a slight glance of what had just come out of me. to my surprise, there was a smiley face of poop staring back at me.
& I'm not even SHITTING you!
could this be a sign? that I'm going to have a really good day? or am I just insane from the fact that I woke up ten minutes before writing this and have the slight effects of a hangover...
in any case, it made me laugh so I'm already doin' pretty good for 10 AM on a Saturday :)
& I've been gone for a long time!
contrary to popular belief, of the one person that reads this blog (namely me), my title is NOT in tribute to the johnstones song, however catchy it may be. I realized I haven't blogged anything in a suuuper long time, & due to the chill night I'm having I thought it'd be a good time waster.
first things first, had an AMAZING day yesterday. Kim says she misses it already, & I feel the same way. woke up to gorgeous weather, & the sound of people hanging out outside. cancelled class lead to going downtown, & eating enormous amounts of food! shanghai cowgirl anyone? if you've never been there, please go. BEST perogies ever, & I'm not the type to exaggerate. & sweet potato fries! with wasabi mayo! I've seen heaven, and it's nestled in a little restaurant on Queen Street.
saw the pussycat dolls for about 2.0 while eating crepes & sipping on cafe mochas. & after I met a cute boy in Adrenaline tattoo&piercing shop.
seriously, I did not want this day to end.
since it was st. patty's day, of course I got a little tipsy. okay alot tipsy. another story for another day my friend. -sigh- all in all, it was the best day I've had in a long time. & I cannot wait another day for summer to come!
gob, glasses...glory?
so, I went to the GOB concert @ the Sound Academy on Thursday...lost my mosh pit virginity, AND my eyesight. unfortunately my glasses got kicked off my head by a crowdsurfer & were never to be seen again. thankfully, I can see again thanks to a fancy new pair of specs...$382 later! anywho, other than that it was a pretty sick show. if you'd like, check out the footage I got on my youtube; I'm chizaa8.
I'm a little sad for those glasses. that is all.
VV Boutique.
alright, so let me just say that I love life right now. I just found some amaaazing clothing items at Value Village, & I need to share them with all of you. I was sifting through the "short skirt" rack, when I came across the most amazing gorgeous blue leather skirt. 100% leather vintage skirt, made by "Margaret Godfrey". I went lookin' for info on her, but only came up with a pair of leather pants selling on ebay for $30. anywho, my next find was my second new love, a pair of leather boots with a slight alligator-type texture to them. I can't hold out any longer, here are some pics!
detailing on the boot&skirt:
I'm in love! cheers :)