
time for an update; life has been such a whirlwind lately. oh gosh, where to start. well, I won't be getting OSAP this year which makes my life a little daunting, considering I have to try & find other ways to make up the money I need for school. aaand my mom recently got laid off, which couldn't come at a worse time. not to mention I had a near-death experience on Monday :\ but we won't get into that. so all in all, life has been a bit of a bumpy ride lately. but onto some good news!

this past weekend was my dad's birthday, and we celebrated by attending the Big Music Fest at the Wiarton Airfield. TEN THOUSAND people attended! uh hello, never seen that many people in my life! but the show was just fantastic. lineup included The Spades, The Arkells, Sam Roberts & the main attraction, The Tragically Hip. Gord Downie is just a genious, and a crazy mothereffer on stage. will post vids sooooon on YouTube as well as my music blog, so stay tuned for that jazz.

ohoh! & I won a set of cosmetic brushes from the Canadian cosmetics company Annabelle! sooo excited to get them; I really needed new ones & right now I don't have the money to pay for them. so, thanks Annabelle! :)

-phew- alright I think that's all for now folks, but I will get around to updating my other blogs soooon, especially about the concert. ciao for now!


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