here is just right.

a rustling sound forces me to lift the lids from my eyes, and I can't say I know who I am right now. for the few moments in between dreams and reality, I forget where I am & I forget who you are. we're moving faster than we were before, chasing cars, chasing daylight. I look up, and a single stars hangs in the sky, a symbol of mourning for broken dreams. a lonely star, a lonely planet. but amidst the chaos, I'm feeling alright. I turn once more, no longer looking at a lonely star. this time it's many. I catch a glance of the stars in your eyes, and smile a little inside. but I can't keep this a secret. my emotions are finding their way out of the crevices of my heart as a kiss lands on your cheek, and we fall back asleep. I'm right where I need to be.


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