so I know I'm lame but...

yeah, getting excited over marks seems pretty lame-o but I am just so super STOKED about the mark I got on my final English report. I seriously thought I was gunna do pretty horribly considering we had two weeks to do it & I put off doing it 'til the day it was due...but I got a 93% on it! & my teacher even asked if she could use it as an example of "excellent work" in her future classes! it sure pays to wear spectacles; I fool everyone into thinking I'm a nerd.

-sigh- 5 out of 7 exams done, and let me tell you I am pooched. I just finished English, and I'm seriously contemplating going to bed. time check? oh yeah, it's 8:30 PM.

anywho, it's been an overall rad day. went out for lunch with Kim for her upcoming birthday, aced (hopefully) 2 exams, the sun is setting & it's gorgeous. oh yeah and we ate a tower of cake for dessert. no lie; I'm pretty sure it was like 3/4 of a foot tall. hokay, off I go, into the wild blue yonder.


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