judy is a punk.

I don't usually like to write my feelings towards people down, at least not where everyone can see them. but I'm feeling pretty badass right now and that's about as rebellious as I can get on a Thursday night at home.

so I hope you know, I'm contemplating deleting you out of my life. literally. hanging up on you, because I just can't get hung up anymore. cell phone number, erase. e-mail address, erase. facebook, erase.


it's hard to write your feelings when you actually sort of mean them. none of this lyrical therapy, this is the real deal. except it's not, because I'm too nice and I could never just push an entire person out of my life no matter how hardcore they suck.

plus I'm being super tenth grade about this. I just feel like whining a little. it's my party bitch, I'll cry if I want to.


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